
XOM - Exxon Mobil Corporation

Options Signal for 02-15-2024
Option Signal: XOM 15 MAR 24 $115.00 PUT @14.28 LMT

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Stock Signal Information


Option Signal: XOM 15 MAR 24 $115.00 PUT @14.28 LMT
Report Date: 02-15-2024
Symbol: XOM - Exxon Mobil Corporation
Sector: Energy
Industry: Oil & Gas Integrated
Option Signal: XOM 15 MAR 24 $115.00 PUT @14.28 LMT

  XOM Technical Analysis

Company Contact

Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM)
Irving, TEXAS 75039-2298
Phone: 19729406000
Website: http://corporate.exxonmobil.com
CEO: Mr. Darren Woods

XOM, Exxon Mobil Corporation

XOM Exxon Mobil Corporation Logo Image

NYSE, New York Stock Exchange

Company Profile

Exxon Mobil Corporation explores for and produces crude oil and natural gas in the United States, Canada/other Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia/Oceania. It operates through Upstream, Downstream, and Chemical segments. The company is also involved in the manufacture, trade, transport, and sale of crude oil, petroleum products, and other specialty products; and manufactures and markets petrochemicals, including olefins, polyolefins, aromatics, and various other petrochemicals. As of December 31, 2019, it had approximately 23,857 net operated wells with proved reserves of 22.4 billion oil-equivalent barrels. In addition, the company produces raw materials, such as polypropylene and isopropyl alcohol for medical masks, gowns, and hand sanitizer. The company was founded in 1870 and is based in Irving, Texas.