
WBD - Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.

Options Signal for 03-04-2024
Option Signal: WBD 28 MAR 24 $8.50 PUT @0.30 LMT

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Stock Signal Information


Option Signal: WBD 28 MAR 24 $8.50 PUT @0.30 LMT
Report Date: 03-04-2024
Symbol: WBD - Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Sector: Communication Services
Industry: Entertainment
Option Signal: WBD 28 MAR 24 $8.50 PUT @0.30 LMT

  WBD Technical Analysis

Company Contact

Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. (WBD)
230 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10003
Phone: 212 548 5555
Website: https://corporate.discovery.com

WBD, Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.

WBD Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. Logo Image

NASDAQ, NASDAQ Global Market

Company Profile

Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc., a media company, provides content across various distribution platforms in approximately 50 languages worldwide. It also produces, develops, and distributes feature films, television, gaming, and other content in various physical and digital formats through basic networks, direct-to-consumer or theatrical, TV content, and games licensing. The company owns and operates various television networks under the Discovery Channel, HGTV, Food Network, TLC, Animal Planet, Investigation Discovery, Travel Channel, Science, MotorTrend, Discovery en EspaƱol, Discovery Familia, Eurosport, TVN, Discovery Kids, Discovery Family, American Heroes Channel, Destination America, Discovery Life, Magnolia Network, Cooking Channel, ID, the Oprah Winfrey Network, Eurosport, DMAX, and Discovery Home & Health brands, as well as other regional television networks. Its content spans genres, including survival, natural history, exploration, sports, general entertainment, home, food, travel, heroes, adventure, crime and investigation, health, and kids. The company also operates production studios that develop and produce content; and digital products and Websites. It provides content through various distribution platforms comprising pay-television, free-to-air and broadcast television, authenticated GO applications, digital distribution arrangements, content licensing agreements, and direct-to-consumer subscriptions, as well as various platforms that include brand-aligned Websites, online streaming, mobile devices, video on demand, and broadband channels. Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.is headquartered in New York, New York.