
TGT - Target Corporation

Active Signal for 05-17-2024
Active Stock Signal: TGT

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Stock Signal Information


Active Stock Signal: TGT
Report Date: 05-17-2024
Symbol: TGT - Target Corporation
Sector: Consumer Defensive
Industry: Discount Stores
Active Stock Signal: TGT

  TGT Technical Analysis

Company Contact

Target Corporation (TGT)
1000 Nicollet Mall
Minneapolis, MINNESOTA 55403
Phone: 16123046073
Website: http://corporate.target.com
CEO: Mr. Brian Cornell

TGT, Target Corporation

TGT Target Corporation Logo Image

NYSE, New York Stock Exchange

Company Profile

Target Corporation operates as a general merchandise retailer in the United States. The company offers food assortments, including perishables, dry grocery, dairy, and frozen items; apparel, accessories, home décor products, electronics, toys, seasonal offerings, and other merchandise; beauty and household essentials; The company also provides in-store amenities, such as Target Café, Target Optical, Starbucks, and other food service offerings. It sells its products through its stores; and digital channels, including Target.com. As of March 25, 2020, the company operated approximately 1,900 stores. Target Corporation was founded in 1902 and is headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota.