
TDS - Telephone and Data Systems, Inc.

Options Signal for 02-20-2024
Option Signal: TDS 15 MAR 24 $12.50 PUT @1.03 LMT

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Stock Signal Information


Option Signal: TDS 15 MAR 24 $12.50 PUT @1.03 LMT
Report Date: 02-20-2024
Symbol: TDS - Telephone and Data Systems, Inc.
Sector: Communication Services
Industry: Telecom Services
Option Signal: TDS 15 MAR 24 $12.50 PUT @1.03 LMT

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Company Contact

Telephone and Data Systems, Inc. (TDS)
30 N La Salle St Ste 4000
Chicago, ILLINOIS 60602
Phone: 13126301900
Website: http://www.tdsinc.com
CEO: Mr. LeRoy Carlson

TDS, Telephone and Data Systems, Inc.

TDS Telephone and Data Systems, Inc. Logo Image

NYSE, New York Stock Exchange

Company Profile

Telephone and Data Systems, Inc., a telecommunications company, provides communications services in the United States. It operates through three segments: U.S. Cellular, Wireline, and Cable. The company offers cellular services to postpaid and prepaid customers, including retail consumers, government entities, and business customers located in its service territories; national plans with voice, messaging, and data usage options; and advanced wireless solutions, such as machine-to-machine solution and software applications for various categories of monitor and control, business automation/operations, communication, and asset management. It also provides wireless devices comprising handsets, tablets, mobile hotspots, home phones, and routers; and accessories that include wireless essentials, which comprise cases, screen protectors, chargers, and memory cards, as well as various consumer electronics, such as headphones, smart speakers, wearables, and home automation products. In addition, the company offers wireline services to residential customers comprising broadband and digital television video services, as well as voice services, such as local and long-distance telephone, voice over Internet protocol (VoIP), find me follow me, collaboration, instant messaging, and other services; broadband, IP-based, and hosted voice and collaboration services to small- and medium-sized businesses; and wireline services to traditional interexchange and wireless carriers. Further, it provides business services, including data networking, Ethernet, broadband access, and VoIP services to small- and medium-sized businesses, as well as operates 262 retail stores and kiosks. The company offers its services to approximately 6 million connections. It sells its products through retail sales, direct sales, third-party retailers, and independent agents, as well as through website and telesales. The company was incorporated in 1968 and is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois.