
NVRO - Nevro Corp.

Loser Signal for 05-05-2024
Loser Stock Signal: NVRO

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Stock Signal Information


Loser Stock Signal: NVRO
Report Date: 05-05-2024
Symbol: NVRO - Nevro Corp.
Sector: Healthcare
Industry: Medical Devices
Loser Stock Signal: NVRO

  NVRO Technical Analysis

Company Contact

Nevro Corp. (NVRO)
1800 Bridge Pkwy
Redwood City, CALIFORNIA 94065
Phone: 16502510005
Website: https://www.nevro.com
CEO: Mr. D.Keith Grossman

NVRO, Nevro Corp.

NVRO Nevro Corp. Logo Image

NYSE, New York Stock Exchange

Company Profile

Nevro Corp., a medical device company, provides products for the patients suffering from chronic pain in the United States and internationally. The company develops and commercializes the Senza spinal cord stimulation system, an evidence-based neuromodulation platform for the treatment of chronic pain. It also offers Senza II system and Senza Omnia system products for chronic pain. The company's solution for chronic pain also includes HF10 Therapy, which delivers neuromodulation solutions for treating chronic pain based on available clinical evidence. Nevro Corp. sells its products through its direct sales force, and a network of sales agents and independent distributors. The company was founded in 2006 and is headquartered in Redwood City, California.