
(MAXR) technical chart & stock analysis

Maxar Technologies Inc. (MAXR)
Stock Listing: MAXR

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Stock Signal Information


Stock Listing: MAXR
Report Date: 05-01-2024
Symbol: MAXR - Maxar Technologies Inc.
Sector: Technology
Industry: Communication Equipment
Stock Listing: MAXR

  MAXR Technical Analysis

Company Contact

Maxar Technologies Inc. (MAXR)
1300 W 120th Ave
Westminster, COLORADO 80234
Phone: 13036844000
Website: https://www.maxar.com
CEO: Mr. Daniel Jablonsky

MAXR, Maxar Technologies Inc.

MAXR Maxar Technologies Inc. Logo Image

NYSE, New York Stock Exchange

Company Profile

Maxar Technologies Inc. provides earth intelligence and space infrastructure solutions in the United States, Asia, South America, Europe, the Middle East, Australia, Canada, and internationally. It operates through Earth Intelligence and Space Infrastructure segments. The Earth Intelligence segment offers Earth imagery and radar data solutions, including orthorectified imagery, mosaic, elevation, and information products; and SecureWatch, a subscription offering that provides online access to imagery and geospatial intelligence platform, as well as geospatial information, applications, and analytic services. This segment serves to the U.S., Canadian, and other international government agencies, such as defense and intelligence, and civil agencies, as well as commercial customers in various markets. The Space Infrastructure segment provides space and ground based infrastructure, robotics, components, and information solutions, including communication and imaging satellites and payloads; space platforms for power, propulsion, and communication; satellite ground systems and support services; space-based and airborne remote sensory solutions; space robotics; and defense systems. This segment serves government agencies and commercial satellite operators. Maxar Technologies Inc. was founded in 1969 and is headquartered in Westminster, Colorado.