
KITT - Nauticus Robotics, Inc.

Oversold Signal for 01-08-2024
Oversold Stock Signal: KITT

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Stock Signal Information


Oversold Stock Signal: KITT
Report Date: 01-08-2024
Symbol: KITT - Nauticus Robotics, Inc.
Oversold Stock Signal: KITT

  KITT Technical Analysis

Company Contact

Nauticus Robotics, Inc. (KITT)
17146 Feathercraft Lane
Webster, TX 77598
Phone: 281-942-9069
Website: https://www.nauticusrobotics.com
CEO: Mr. Nicolaus Radford

KITT, Nauticus Robotics, Inc.

KITT Nauticus Robotics, Inc. Logo Image

NASDAQ, NASDAQ Capital Market

Company Profile

Nauticus Robotics, Inc. develops and offers ocean robotic solutions and cloud software to the ocean industry. The company offers Aquanaut, an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) with sensor suite, which provides capability to observe and inspect subsea assets or other subsea features; and Argonaut, a derivative product of the Aquanaut, which is used for non-industrial and government applications. It also provides Olympic Arm, an all-electric, work-class manipulator that allows perception-driven decision making for semi-autonomous tasking; ToolKITT software suite, which is a multi-layered, multi-tool, software platform that operates various ocean robotic vehicles through navigational guidance, vehicle, and manipulator control, as well as perception, planning, and execution of tasks; and Hydronaut, an optionally crewed autonomous surface vessel that supports the real-time operations of Aquanaut in long range and deep water commercial applications. The company was founded in 2014 and is based in Webster, Texas.