
DVA - DaVita Inc.

Oversold Signal for 06-22-2022
Oversold Stock Signal: DVA

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Stock Signal Information


Oversold Stock Signal: DVA
Report Date: 06-22-2022
Symbol: DVA - DaVita Inc.
Oversold Stock Signal: DVA

  DVA Technical Analysis

Company Contact

DaVita Inc. (DVA)
2000 16th St
Denver, COLORADO 80202
Phone: 13105362668
Website: http://www.davita.com
CEO: Mr. Javier Rodriguez

DVA, DaVita Inc.

DVA DaVita Inc. Logo Image

NYSE, New York Stock Exchange

Company Profile

DaVita Inc. provides kidney dialysis services for patients suffering from chronic kidney failure or end stage renal disease (ESRD). The company operates kidney dialysis centers and provides related lab services in outpatient dialysis centers. It also provides outpatient, hospital inpatient, and home-based hemodialysis services; owns clinical laboratories that provide routine laboratory tests for dialysis and other physician-prescribed laboratory tests for ESRD patients; and management and administrative services to outpatient dialysis centers. In addition, the company provides disease management services; vascular access services; clinical research programs; physician services; and comprehensive care services. As of December 31, 2019, it provided dialysis and administrative services in the United States through a network of 2,753 outpatient dialysis centers serving approximately 206,900 patients; and operated 259 outpatient dialysis centers located in 10 countries outside of the United States serving approximately 28,700 patients. Further, the company provides acute inpatient dialysis services in approximately 900 hospitals and related laboratory services in the United States. The company was formerly known as DaVita HealthCare Partners Inc. and changed its name to DaVita Inc. in September 2016. DaVita Inc. was founded in 1994 and is headquartered in Denver, Colorado.